Don’t do what you love

I’m going to put a disclaimer on my blog from the very beginning: I love Ryan Holiday. Perhaps it’s more accurate to say I love the Stoic principles that he describes in his blogs, books, and interviews – but the way he delivers the information is unique and inspiring which is why I think saying I love him is the correct verbiage. I only mention my fondness because a lot of what I post, at least for now will –  in some way – lead back to him.

To that point,  today’s blog is  a reaction to his article about passion as a problem for this generation. In it, as the title might suggest, he talks about how Millennial’s real problem is they search for passion constantly, but passion is detrimental to progress.  The quote truly resonated with me the most was “Think gritty, not giddy.” Four simple words that really summarized who I am as a person.

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